Window Feeders bring your birds so close you could almost reach out and touch one.

Before mounting your Window Feeder, make sure window is clean, dry, and warm. Its important to use facial oil(oil from your face) on the suction cups. Water or saliva can freeze or evaporate quickly whereas Facial Oil does not evaporate as quickly and will stick longer!

Please give us a call or check MyWBU to inquire about current stock and prices. Thanks! (204)667-2161

Mini Decorative Window Hummingbird Feeder 

Capacity: 4 oz

2 Nectar Ports

Dimensions: 6" x 4.5" x 2"

Decorative Window Hummingbird Feeder

Capacity: 8 oz.

3 Nectar Ports

Dimensions: 7.75” x 5.75” x 2”


*Prices do not include taxes. Bird food is not included.