Spring & Fall Migration

These birds are usually just visitors. They stop for snacks along their way to their nesting grounds or on their way south. Of course if you live around their nesting grounds you'll see them during the summer too!

These aren't the only options, just the most common possibilities. If you don't see the bird you're looking for you can Ask a WBU Naturalist HERE or download the Merlin Bird ID App by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology to help you figure out who is visiting your yard! 

Click on a bird for food and feeder info!


This group of birds prefers to find their food on the ground. You will often see them tidying up under your feeders during Spring and Fall Migration.





These small songbirds add a pop of color to your yard during Spring and Fall migration. You'll often see most of them flitting through the trees in search of insects. 


 Thrushes, Woodpeckers, Blackbirds, and More!

Coming Soon!